About Shaye Elliott, The Founder Of The Elliott Homestead

The Elliott Homestead is a business by Shaye Elliott, who lives on two acres of land in Washington State. On this land, they raise dairy cows, a flock of hens, sheep, ducks, geese, and a variety of produce in their organic Waec GCE expo gardens.

Who is Shaye Elliott?

Shaye is a 32-year-old woman who lives with her husband and 4 children in a three-bedroom house which she and her husband renovated themselves. She refers to this house as her homestead. Shaye is a famer, wife, blogger, mother and a home cook. Elliot along with her husband farm to provide her family with homegrown food and learn the ways of the land.

She prefers this back to the basics movement not because she grew up farming (which she didn’t) but because she believes modern tech has stripped purpose from our lives. For 8 years, she has been rejecting modern conveniences. She churns buttes, treats illnesses with hens, and stocks larder before winter.

On her land, she doesn’t just grow food but celebrates flavors and moments of life. From reading books to children, milking the cows to pulling a weed, each day is a busy day and visitors are welcome to visit the farm.

Shaye also hosts a podcast by the name “homemaker chic” where she throws light on the art of homemaking. Apart from Shaye, there is another cohost, Angela reed from Parisienne Farmgirl.

How Did It Start?

A few years ago, Shaye felt trapped in her day job. She and her partner packed up and left the city to live on a homestead in Washington. She has blogged about her experience since 2020 and has built up the following of daydreamers and homesteaders like yourself.
Her book “welcome to the farm” is written for first-time farmers.

Shaye has found a great deal of success by sharing her life through videos, recipes, blogs, and how-to guides. If you are fed up with your 9 am to 5 pm job and you want to escape modern life, start your farm and grow your own food, you definitely need to follow her.

The surprising fact is that Elliot didn’t know much about farming and nor did her husband. They learned everything from the first-hand experience.

How Did She Manage to Expand Her Farm?

Shaye published her first cookbook back in 2013 and ended up selling more copies than she expected. But this revenue, she expanded her farm and bought diary crows, chicken and planted a few annuals.

Other books written by Shaye include from scratch, family table, seasons at the farm, and an eBook called bake better bread at home.

She Shaye started her blog, she inspired many people to purchase at least dozens of baby chicks. Homesteading is a way to reconnect with nature.

Some people might think that Instagramming about her life and escape from technology may seem incongruous but Shaye believes that social media has played a significant role in providing her advice and giving the moral support she needed. Going online connects her with more people who are homesteads like herself.


Life on the farm is not clean and glamorous but it is fun. You remain close to nature, organic food, and of course your family. It’s an escape from the modern hustle-bustle which has got most of us overwhelmed these Sunny jamb runs days.